During this unprecedented year, the Science Museum of Virginia has adapted to providing STEM content through virtual field trips and other live-streamed and socially-distanced programs. This was made possible because of generous supporters like you. 


We need YOU more than ever and ask that you please consider supporting the Science Museum of Virginia by making a GIFT TODAY! Your gift enables people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to explore the adventure of science!


If you have questions about the payment form below, please contact annualfund@smv.org.


Does your company have a matching gift program? Find out here. 


Thank you for helping the Museum fulfill its mission, inspiring Virginians to enrich their lives through science, in new and innovative ways. We are open! Please visit: www.smv.org/visit/welcome for more information on our reopening protocols and procedures.


Donation Information
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00
$ 1,000.00
Additional Information
Billing Information
Matching Gifts
For Memorial and Honorary Gifts Only